A hot mist humidifier is not recommended for use by pharmacists or doctors. They have long been recommended, because it was believed that the comforting warm mist during a cold or the flu, but as it turns out that comfort is provided, it was not worth the side effects it causes.
How it works
Each humidifier works in a water tank that is characterized by an electric element, the water is turned into superheated steam. A lot of people use humidifiers whileFighting a cold or other respiratory diseases. The humidifier adds moisture to the air and help open the nose and bronchial tubes and ease breathing. These objects are usually made of plastic bodies with a nozzle, made from the body and usually can be observed in different directions, moisture closer to certain areas in which the user is sitting or lying add. All humidifiers operate on similar principles, regardless of the cost of the humidifier.
The cool air humidifiers operate on similar principles, and turn water into a mist, even if it is done with a cooling instead of warming. Where the item is located in a warm air humidifier, it is through a cooling system to cool the air and convert it replaced in a kind of icy fog. These types of humidifiers can really relax for a room.
Heated humidifier and bacteria
After numerous tests and studies, has come to pass, that warm air humidifiers arereally the best tool to use in a hospital room. The heating process is actually a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses to grow. This can actually cause more harm than good for the patient. They can be used safely when they are cleaned frequently with a disinfectant and to be kept at a safe distance from the user, although this seems illogical, because the aim is to relieve the dry air around to get the patient to relieve , and if held by the patient is unable to providegreat relief.
These are much more comfortable to use in the hospital, such as a humidifier air fresh, but it is a very real possibility that transmit disease connection. Humidifiers are very useful tools in the hospital room, there is a trade-off decision, but in the comfort of a warm air humidifier for use with the potential, the disease may be exacerbated.